Is financial planning possible without financial forecasting?

Yes, financial planning is possible without financial forecasting. Although they go hand in hand, it is still possible to carry out financial planning without financial forecasting and, despite the importance of financial forecasts, a company can still thrive without them. However, this only applies to individual companies and associations because these types of companies do not manage large transactions unlike companies. Financial forecasting allows you to make more informed business decisions based on facts and data.

Getting in the habit of creating a monthly financial forecast allows you to plan your next steps in relation to funding, operations, and budgeting. With historical data, you can look to the future of your company to decide if it's a good time to hire new staff or finance a new project. Financial forecasts encourage companies to set more realistic goals in the future. You run the risk of overspending if you create a budget without financial forecasting.

In fact, most of your financial decisions would be ill-informed without the input of the results of a financial forecast. Financial forecasting should always precede the budgeting process to ensure that expenses are in line with factors that may affect overall financial performance. A financial plan can also be an investment plan, which assigns savings to several assets or projects that are expected to generate future income, such as a new business or product line, shares in an existing business, or real estate. Regular analysis of financial data is the best way to know if your financial forecasts are accurate.

On the other hand, budgeting is the company's financial expectations for the future (expectations based on financial forecasts and other data). Financial forecasting and planning work together, as forecasts basically provide a vision of your company's future and help make budgeting accurate. A financial forecast is a plan or model that uses historical business data, such as profits, losses and expenses. It's worth knowing what to expect in the near future and planning ahead, hence the need for financial forecasting.

These metrics are crucial for operations related to finance, such as budgeting and financial planning as a whole. The financial forecast estimates important financial indicators, such as sales, revenues, and future revenues. Financial forecasting refers to financial projections made to facilitate any relevant decision-making to determine future business performance. A financial forecast is an estimate of a company's future financial results and is an integral part of the annual budgeting process.

Look for the ability to automatically collect all financial and operational data and KPIs in a controlled environment when all stakeholders can access the same set of data. Financial forecasts and forecasts become faster and more accurate processes. Experts broadly agree that a sound financial plan is based on both forecasts and sound spending guidance.